Welcome to Mondi Lontani Short Film Festival: Celebrating 5 Years of cinema


Step into a world where cinema knows no limits, where cultures unite through creativity, and where the art of short films becomes central. Mondi Lontani Short Film Festival welcomes you to its 5th edition.


Our Evolution: Mondi Lontani has evolved over the past five years, each edition improving its efforts to support international cinema and filmmakers. After our beginnings in Scario for the first two editions, followed by our residency in San Giovanni a Piro for the next two, as we embark on our 5th edition, we are excited to call Naples our new home.


A Journey of Stories: Throughout our journey, we have curated and showcased over 40 short films for more than 800 attendees. These films span genres, cultures, and languages, reflecting the diversity and richness of filmmaking around the globe. From tales of love and loss to stories of resilience and discovery, each film is a glimps into the human experience, narrated through the lens of creativity.


Adapting to Change: During COVID years Mondi Lontani has stood resilient. We adapted and innovated, bringing our festival experience to the digital through online events that connected filmmakers and audiences across borders.


A New Chapter in Naples: Naples, known for its rich history and artistic soul, provides the perfect backdrop for celebrating the magic of cinema and we can’t wait to bring independent cinema and new visions to its audience.


Join the Celebration: The Mondi Lontani Short Film Festival isn’t just an event; it’s a celebration of cinema. We invite filmmakers, cinephiles, and storytellers to join us on this exciting journey. Experience the power of short films to transport you to distant worlds and to evoke emotions.